Our Mission

Westwood Cares is an organization dedicated to providing information and resources to the families of Westwood, Massachusetts, regarding substance use and abuse, as well as related issues.  Westwood Cares works towards the healthy and safe development of our youth, while providing assistance to families in need of support.  The organization consists of a wide range of representatives from the community, including parents, students, educators, and community officials. 

People today have instantaneous access to an unprecedented amount of information.  Unfortunately, much of the information available to, or directed at, young people concerning critical topics such as alcohol and drugs is not only confusing, but can be erroneous.  Westwood Cares works to provide accurate information about important topics easily available to our youth, and the community as a whole.  Access to accurate information enables informed, healthy decision-making.  Accordingly, Westwood Cares provides information that is vetted through the use of evidence-based studies and research.  In addition, Westwood Cares recommends resources with proven success in addressing these challenging issues and the needs of families facing them.

For nearly 30 years, Westwood Youth & Family Services (“WY&FS”) has served the Town by supporting and advocating for the children and families in our community.   In 2014, WY&FS, and its volunteer advisory board, re-formed Westwood Cares, building on the work that a number of committed parents began a decade ago.  Other local communities have succeeded in promoting healthy youth development through similar dedicated groups.  Westwood Cares seeks to replicate that success in our Town, on a sustained basis, through the delivery of timely, accurate and accessible information, and, by providing trusted resources.  Working together as a community, the citizens of Westwood can actively support the healthy development of our young people.

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